Learn about TechLadies' programs

Discover TechLadies' various programs

We are currently planning for new programs for 2024.

TechLadies Mentorship

TechLadies Mentorship

Duration: 12 weeks

A 3-month mentorship program that pairs women who are transitioning into or establishing themselves in the tech industry with industry practitioners.

Jill Quek, Mentor (2019) message
Jill Quek, Mentor (2019) thumbnail

Great organisation! Clear communication and enough guidance to keep us on track without being overly prescriptive.

Jill Quek, Mentor (2019)
TechLadies Meet

TechLadies Meet

Meet fellow TechLadies through in-person or online technical talks, roundtable discussions, study groups and more! TechLadies Meet is open to women of all levels of technical skills.

See our Events
TechLadies Community

TechLadies Community

Beyond programs and events, TechLadies is a community. Join us online for the latest industry news, highlights on awesome women in tech, and get support on your journey in tech.

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Want to be a Coach?

We are also on the lookout for awesome people to be a coach for our programs. Connect with many others and contribute to the tech community.

I'm interested!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is TechLadies only for women?
  • Are the programs and events free?
  • Do I need to be a local to participate in TechLadies’ activities?
  • Who should join TechLadies?
  • Can I bring TechLadies to my city?