Contribute to TechLadies

We need your help to increase our impact

We have built an amazing international community in Asia and empowered women to switch careers into tech, but we need help.

Join us in our mission to increase women's participation in the tech industry!

Volunteer with TechLadies

Ways you can volunteer

TechLadies is led by a group of core team leaders and supported by a larger group of ad hoc helpers. Join us if you're passionate about gender diversity in tech, want to learn new skills, and meet like-minded peers!

We are currently recruiting volunteers for 2024. If you are able to dedicate at least 4-5 hours a month and want to volunteer, we want you! Please apply by 15th Nov 2023 if you are interested.

TechLadies Mentorship image
TechLadies Mentorship
Grow women's careers in tech with this 3-month program!

We are looking for 3 - 4 Mentorship Leads.

TechLadies Community image
TechLadies Community
Create amazing events every quarter that connect our community & share insights on the tech industry.

We are looking for 3 - 4 Community Leads.

TechLadies Communication image
TechLadies Communication
Grow the TechLadies online community in Asia! This team manages our social media channels, website and social media.

We are looking for 3 - 4 Communication Leads.

Partner with TechLadies

Be our Corporate Partner

We are looking for partner companies that provide speakers, mentors, coaches, and venue or financial sponsorship. Do reach out to to start a conversation.

Kiat SG

Volunteering FAQ

  • Who can volunteer with TechLadies?
  • What is the expected level of commitment?
  • What can volunteers expect out of the experience?
  • I'm not a local, can I still volunteer?
  • What's the volunteering culture like at TechLadies?
  • Can I bring TechLadies to my city?